Houses Project in Jécua
Africa | MozambiqueCONTEXT
In Jécua, hunger is not the only problem to be faced: a large part of the population lives in extremely precarious conditions. The most common dwellings are shacks or huts made of the poorest materials, exposed to the destructive force of winds or tropical storms. In recent years, numerous families have been homeless precisely because of this difficult condition.

Under the leadership of br. Jorge, the Friars Minor in the Jécua area assist 74 villages spread over an area of more than 120 square kilometers. The friars’ efforts are aimed at the care and human and spiritual progress of the local population. The work of the Friars Minor in Mozambique adheres to the exhortations Pope Francis has encapsulated in his encyclical Laudato Si’, aimed at promoting integral human development while respecting Creation.

The friars’ idea is to build housing that is able to withstand the fury of nature, and assign it to the most fragile segments of the local population. These are simple but safe and dignified homes where widows, orphans and the elderly will be able to resume a peaceful life without the nightmare of suddenly finding themselves without shelter.

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