Earthquake emergency Syria and Turkey
On February 6, 2023, two powerful earthquakes measuring 7.8 and 6.4 on the Richter scale brought death and destruction to the border between Turkey and Syria. At the moment there are over 5 thousand victims but their count is increasing by the hour. The number of injured and displaced people is countless, while the leaders of the two countries invoke the solidarity of the whole world to face the emergency.

The Friars Minor are present in the areas affected by the earthquake, especially in Aleppo. The Syrian city, already battered by the war, now faces a new, terrible test. There are no victims among the friars, who have opened their own structures to welcome people left without a home.

The friars are active to face an epochal emergency. They welcome the wounded and displaced in their facilities, providing them with basic necessities. In addition to material help, the friars offer everyone that word of comfort that every person involved in the catastrophe needs.

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